Loan Vending.
Vending Machine and Stand:
You are fully responsible for the machine, insuring it, keeping it safe and clean. You should also have public liability insurance covering the machine as we at Sweetlove are not responsible as you are the designated operator of the machine.
If it is stolen or goes missing then you forfeit your deposit which you should claim from your insurance.
Machine Faults and Breakdowns
If it develops a fault we will replace and repair it then return it, for which you are responsible for the cost of the shipping if we are able to collect irt then there is no charge for shipping.
Repair of a faulty machine is not usually charged to the host however, cost of damage repair is taken from your deposit.
Machine Content for Sale
You can only sell Sweetlove sweets in the machine, other brands and self packed sweets are not allowed.
Inspections are carried out and if we become aware that you are selling sweets not supplied by us then we reserve the right to remove the machine and stand and terminate the aggreement.